
Showing posts from December, 2018

18 things I'm grateful for about my writing career in 2018

What are you grateful for in your 2018 writing? Sometimes when we forget to count it feels like we're sitting still!  Here are 18 things I am feeling the love about in 2018.  Looking forward to more great stuff in 2019, and I would love to learn about what you-all are feeling great about! 1. I came second in the Windy City writing contest this year with a new manuscript. Cool. Validation! 2. I'm up to nearly 30 reviews (from strangers!) on my biggest thing published in 2017 (Caterina's Renaissance) and they include beautiful words that make me cry, like "best book I've read all year" and "this is one of the most addicting books I have read in a long time" and "I want more!" “Loved this story… Didn’t want this to end.” Motivation! I am contributing to the happiness of the world. 3. By rejecting a publisher who wanted Caterina's Renaissance, and deciding to aim higher than that particular opportunity, I've started to meet...