Reviews for Caterina's Renaissance
As of today, these all appear on Amazon. Blogger's doing funny things with the screenshots I've been trying to upload, so I'm just going to copy and paste the text of them here. The latest one made me laugh in my tea. :) Thank you to these reviewers for keeping me going. As soon as I post these, I'm going to spend some time working on Blodwyn's Redemption, because several of you said you're eager to see the next one! So I'd better get cracking! Thank you, Christa 5.0 out of 5 stars A fun, and sensual, book. By Ralf Muhlberger on June 22, 2018 Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase Christa writes a fun tale, filled with mystery and a sensuality that evokes a yearning for similar experiences. Magical realism meets historical romance, for a great combination. One person found this helpful Helpful Comment Report abuse 4.0 out of 5 stars A Unique fairy tale come to life! By W Smithwhab on September 26, 2...