How to Write Your Book
Are you an inspirational person who has reached a point in your career or your life experience where you have useful knowledge to share? Then you may be thinking of writing a book. And well you might! I have worked with a few people who have definitely had precious knowledge worth passing along to the next generations. But how do you start? Here are a few tips. First and foremost: Go to a library or a big bricks and mortar bookstore and find books that appeal to you and that you would like to see your book sit beside. Note: you can't do this online . Go touch and smell and feel and look -- how do you visualize your book in the real world? Look not just at covers, but how the chapters are organized and how the book is formatted. Are there pull-out boxes? Do you just want a straight chapter book, or something with more design flair. 1. Decide on a theme and, as appropriate, some sections the book might include. Will it be all one long story? How will you structure it? Or wi...